Thursday, November 17

The Cream that Never Was: Enlevez

So, is this a 0:30 second commercial spot, or a fourth grader PowerPoint Presentation? (Answer: You be the Judge!) This commercial doesn’t EVEN look like something I’d take serious. We have a commercial advertising a cream called Enlevez. (Umm, Enlevez?) The product is called “Enlevez” yet it’s pronounced “On La Vay”. That does that even sound like a skin healing cream; it sounds like left-over letters from yesterday’s Scrabble match. (I found a NEW WORD!) Shoot back to 0:06, the screen says, “Contains ‘Matrixyl® 3000’ and ‘Haloxyl®’. I researched both products and realized that they are legitimate products that do the very SAME THING Enlevez CLAIMS to do. (I smell a Rip-Off, but WHERE IS IT???)

Did anybody notice that the product “Enlevez” itself is missing throughout the whole ad? (Umm, missing???) Fast-forward to 0:18 and you’ll hear the woman say, “Similar products retail for 150.00 dollars, while Enlevez is always the low price of 34.99.” (Umm, where is Enlevez?) Typically when you’re advertising something you show pictures of the product itself. All I see here is 10 to 15 pictures of random people doing different things. Some people are smiling, some are using “a cream”, and others don’t even know what’s going on.

SCAVENGER HUNT: First, “Google” the terms “does the Enlevez cream work” or type in; you’ll find that it LITERALLY yields NOTHING about the product and/or redirects you somewhere else. Next “YouTube” the same terms; you’ll find that it pulls up this commercial and video reviews on similar products, but NOT Enlevez . (See something wrong here???) If you think calling 1-855-ENLEVEZ will get you somewhere, YOU’RE WRONG! You’ll just receive the “Disconnected Number” message. (Thanks for playing, but GAME OVER!) To sum it all up, you CAN’T read reviews, you CAN’T view consumers using the product, and you CAN’T talk to the people selling the product. (Three strikes and you’re OUTTA HERE!!!) To me this only adds up to one thing, ENLEVEZ DOESN’T EXIST. With that being said, I’m asking that this commercial be BANNED from television FOR LIFE PLEASE!!!

Thursday, November 3

Stick it to the Man!

Hands up if think this commercial was envisioned the night before it was shot. (If your hand isn’t up, YOU should be shot!!!) You own an auto lot named “Apple Auto Sales”, yet you choose to be a “Reverend” of ALL THINGS??? Really, a Reverend? (Yes a Reverend!)That’s like owning a Clothing Store named “Jane’s Boutique” with a “Clown” offering 50% off of all items. (Now that’s a SALE!) Speaking of “Clown”, listen to the Reverend’s catch phrase: “Stick it to the Man.” Mind you: This is not a man with an Afro or a Peace T-Shirt from the 60’s, this is a Reverend. (A REVEREND!!!) Someone who is supposed to be “One with God” is “Sticking it to the Man”. (Umm, Creepy.)

Go back to 0:06 and tell me what you see? (Answer: Horrible Role-Playing!!!) There’s a man, whom I’ve named James, being denying by a man, whom I’ve named “The Man”, for Credit Approval on the car he wants, yet both men are smiling like it’s a big joke. Shouldn’t James be disappointed and “The Man” be “The Man”? (Apparently Not.) Fast-Forward to 0:12, you’ll see what looks to be a beat-up Oldsmobile that James “Qualifies For”. (Umm, that’s on your lot???) That car looks like it hasn’t been started in 20 YEARS, yet “The Man” expects James to buy this??? (GET REAL!!!)

Back to Auto Reverend, let’s take a CLOSER LOOK at his outfit. (Kale’s Next Fashion Sin!) He’s wearing a 1980’s dress suit decorated with gold fish scales and an OVERSIZED ELVIS WIG!!! (The suit is bad enough, BUT WHY THE WIG??!!) To me, the Reverend’s wig looks like a diving board. Watch the video again and you’ll notice that as the Reverend walks around “Sticking It to the Man”, his wig bounces up and down. Oh and let’s not forget the pool floater he’s using to “Stick It to the Man; is that thing supposed to convince me that you’re someone serious or does it TELL ME you’re just a circus act for kids? (Answer: Ringling Bros is hiring.) Hey Reverend, instead of “Sticking It to the Man” maybe you should “Stick” to a different gimmick, like selling cars. (Bing!)